John Kutay, Head of Products at Striim joins theCUBE hosts Lisa Martin and Dustin Kirkland at Google Cloud Next 2023


Lisa Martin 0:06
Good morning, everyone and welcome to the cubes j one coverage of Google Cloud Next live at Moscone south in San Francisco. I’m Lisa Martin. Dustin Kirkland is my cube analyst. co host. We’re here with about 20,000 people, you can hear the din of the bus behind us. There was a tremendous amount of announcements this morning. Lot of great Google Cloud execs, customers, partners, we’re here with Striim joining us next, John Kutay, the head of product joins us, John, great to have you. Thank you so much for joining us on The Cube.

John Kutay 0:36
Thanks so much for having me. Super excited for this discussion.

Lisa Martin 0:39
Yeah, I would love to share with the audience more about Striim . What do you guys do mission vision help us understand that?

John Kutay 0:46
Striim is unified data streaming. For generative AI analytics and operations. We love helping our customers infuse real time data into their decisions into their operations. And now generative AI, which is becoming a top priority for many of the enterprise data teams that we’re working with.

Lisa Martin 1:04
It is Gen AI is probably the hottest topic on the planet, or one of you talked about real time. And I think one of the things we’ve learned in the last few years is that access to real time data is no longer nice to have for companies. It’s an imperative. It’s really, for every industry, it’s really hard to do that. But I’m curious what some of the gaps in the market were, when Striim was launched that you guys saw the thought we can solve this?

John Kutay 1:27
So the company’s CEO and CTO came from Golden Gate software, which at the time of its acquisition by Oracle was the number one database replication product in the market. But it was very pigeonholed into just copying data between databases. And there was this obvious demand in the market to not only move data in real time, but to analyze it. And now with this big wave of generative AI, it’s not about data going into some warehouse and you wait for someone to pull up a report. Now you want data automatically making decisions for you. You want your customers to talk to a smart, AI driven bot that knows everything about them, and can answer questions for them. And this all requires real time data.

Lisa Martin 2:07
Absolutely. And every company whether I always think of whether it’s the grocery store, or the gas station, or Starbucks has my data, and I expect that they not only use it responsibly and securely, but also use it to give me that real time relevant, personalized experience that I want every company has to be really I’ve heard people say data driven. And I heard someone last week say no, not data driven, Insight driven. Difference. Yeah, there’s a difference there. Talk to us about how Striim is working with enterprise data teams to really help them extract the value of data, and especially working with Gen AI,

John Kutay 2:40, who we presented with previously at Google Cloud, next session, you know, they power remember, they’re not in the business of doing data, right. They’re trying to sell clothes, and they had a digital first initiative with Striim , help them go from their existing investments in their on premise, you can call legacy infrastructure, and help make sure that that data is in Google Cloud within seconds. Because if they’re building new digital applications, that data has to be there. So we’re really proud to have customers like that. And then we have other examples of airlines, for example, they want to run their operations on time, they need good customer experiences, they need to make sure the aircraft’s are safe. We help American airlines do exactly that. We were presenting with them at a data and AI Summit. And with Striim, Databricks MongoDB. They were able to again, take their aircraft telemetry, action it for their operational teams that are there to maintain the aircraft, make sure that everything’s safe, everything’s ready to go. And best of all, everything’s on time.

Lisa Martin 3:45
Yeah, that’s what it’s all about, right? Being on time these days. Yeah. And

Dustin Kirkland 3:48
along those lines, talk to me a little bit about the velocity in terms of, you know, how teams integrate this, how fast how long does it take how long till we see results from integrating Striim ?

John Kutay 3:55
Absolutely, we’re really proud of being able to get our customers into production in a matter of weeks. Even when it’s complex. It’s breaking down long standing data silos within the enterprise, a lot of technical complexity. For instance, at our presentation with American Airlines at data in AI Summit, they were really proud of the fact that they went to production at global scale, within 12 weeks of Striim and it’s because Striim’s a unified data streaming platform, meaning connectors, the data movement, the modeling, the processing, streaming into your target systems, meaning whether it’s Google Cloud, infrastructure, data, bricks, snowflake, all that data has to be there with quality and uptime SLA is that are that the business can trust?

Lisa Martin 4:39
Where are your customer conversations these days? Are you talking with Chief Data Officers, CIOs, is all of the above does it I’ve mentioned it can vary depending on the organization. But every company is so data rich, but they have to be able to figure out how do we get access to this now,

John Kutay 4:53
it’s really important to be a catalyst for internal collaboration, meaning you have to work with the CIOs the Chief Data officers all the way down to the people who are in the trenches, building the pipelines and build alignment there. And that’s something that we’re also really proud of. And, you know, because at the end of the day, yeah, you’re solving technical problems, but you’re delivering on business use cases and initiatives. And that’s the most critical thing.

Lisa Martin 5:16
What are some of the key use cases that you see that maybe have more horizontal play across industries that Striim is involved in?

John Kutay 5:24
Yeah, that’s an amazing question. So right now, data teams, you know, they already had a year’s worth of initiatives on their play. And now a generative AI, all the innovation that’s happening here at Google Cloud Next, and across the various platforms, there is a very high priority mandate for data teams to adopt generative AI, and really bring their data into generative AI and then do the reverse, which is bring generative AI to where their data is today. So those are some some of the use cases that they’re looking at in terms of making sure that data is making decision on its own. Yeah.

Lisa Martin 5:59
Can you share a little bit about the partnership with Google what you guys are doing together? How you’re helping customers really unlock the value of AI and Gennai?

John Kutay 6:06
Absolutely, we’re really proud of our partnership with Google. If you’re a big query user, you go into the Add Data button Striim’s right there, you can launch it from your console stream as a Google Cloud native products, our CTO alo Pareek, presented up here at Google Cloud Next, since the beginning, when they were doing these shows, and you know, we’re really proud of helping enterprises quickly realize the value of Google Cloud by complementing their existing enterprise investments, getting that data into Google Cloud and making sure that it’s reliable and the business can build on top of that, using the the modern infrastructure that Google is providing.

Lisa Martin 6:44
Yeah, that modern infrastructure, they talked a lot about that this morning. And providers, it’s was probably like, music to their ears.

John Kutay 6:50
Yes. Frames, clearly a important piece of that for sure. How do your customers think about the return on investment, you know, the Striim, Google Cloud, all that making their investment in in you and seeing a return? Look, when I work with the data team, and I tried to work with them on their goals and OKRs and things along those lines, if their goal is to move data from A to B, that’s not good enough, we have to talk about what your actual business initiatives are and how this data project or you know tactic is going to help you there. So the example like I brought up with Macy’s, right, they can tie that to customer experiences having more fresh, reliable data is critical American Airlines, their their aircrafts, you know, moving, making sure that those are operating with the as fast as possible. aircrafts are taking off on time well maintained. And that’s really where you see the ROI is like, how is data helping your business meet their mission statements?

Lisa Martin 7:51
When you’re in customer or prospect conversations, John? And they say, why Striim? What do you say? What are those key differentiators that really shine a light on value prop?

John Kutay 8:02
Yeah, absolutely. The fact that it’s simply a unified platform, but just in a couple of clicks, we’re spinning up a lot of complex infrastructure that you don’t have to know about as an end user, making sure that it’s very reliable, it’s very fast. You know, instead of Striim vendors were you know, I mean, sorry, companies are pulling in six, seven vendors do the same thing. Now you get the whole thing in one single pane of glass, you get your connectors, you get your data processing your data delivery, monitoring data quality and freshness, so that the data stakeholders know that there’s ultimately trust in that data.

Lisa Martin 8:37
And that trust is currency these days, right? It’s absolutely has to be there. But sounds like what Striim is doing to me as you’re really, are you helping companies to like kick out six to seven other vendors so that from what I’m hearing workforce productivity cost efficiencies are why as Dustin was talking about, it seems like those are some of the big outcomes in general that organizations can achieve with Striim.

John Kutay 8:59
I always think about is very purpose driven. You know, you have a specific business problem you’re trying to solve, rather than it taking years of development and expensive investments, you can get your initiatives off the ground and into production very quickly. And you know, that’s just with the power of the platform and the way that we can partner with data teams as well to make sure that they’re tying it to their business initiatives and getting that value out of it.

Lisa Martin 9:22
Yeah, it’s all about getting trusting making sure the data is trustworthy responsible, secure and extracting that value. Last question, John, for us before we wrap here anything new exciting coming up, first thing that we should be looking for any events, any webinars, things that you want to plug?

John Kutay 9:35
Yeah, in fact, tonight, we’re doing a what’s new and data live. This is a thought leader ship session that I run, really excited to have Bruno Aziza was formerly Yeah, head of data analytics. Now he’s at capital G alphabets, capital G. And we have Sanji Mohan, who was previously at Gartner. And we have Ridhima Khan, VP of dapper Labs is going to talk about modern digital consumer experiences. So that’s Tonight at Salesforce sour, we’re going to record it. So it’ll be made available to everyone. And we’re going on score with what’s new and data and bringing all the data practitioners, data leaders to really talk about how they’re innovating with data and meeting all these business goals that they’re trying to deliver.

Lisa Martin 10:16
Awesome. Lots of stuff going on. Yeah. Best of luck tonight. Sanjeev is a is a cube analyst from time to time. We know Bruno. He’s been on the show. So lots of great folks that’s that we were talking about before we went live like tech, it’s just like two degrees of separation. John, it’s great to have you You’re now officially a CUBE alumni, I probably can get you a sticker. So appreciate you sharing with us what’s going on at Striim with Google and how you’re really enabling those data teams to maximize value and use Gen AI. Thank you so much.

John Kutay 10:41
Thank you for having me.

Lisa Martin 10:42
Our pleasure for John Kutay and Dustin Kirkland. I’m Lisa Martin, and you’re watching The Cube live day one of our three days of coverage of Google Cloud Next. Dustin and I are going to be right back with our next guest. So don’t go anywhere.