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Running Striim as a process


Before installing Striim, verify that the system meets the System requirements.System requirements

For development and testing, it can be useful to run Striim as a process, so you can easily restart with different options or switch between various releases. We do not recommend running Striim as a process in a production environment. If you do not need to run Striim as a service, you can install simply by extracting a Striim-<version>.tgz or .zip archive. For example, to extract to the /opt directory (the typical location, though you may install wherever you like):

tar zxvf Striim-<version>.tgz -C /opt


Known issue (DEV-22317): do not put the striim directory under a directory with a space in its name, such as C:\Program Files.

Once you have extracted the package, set the server properties:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt and change to the striim directory.

    • In CentOS or Ubuntu, enter sudo su - striim bin/

    • In OS X, enter bin/

    • In Windows, enter bin\sksConfig

    When prompted, enter passwords for the Striim keystore and the admin and sys users. If hosting the metadata repository on Oracle or PostgreSQL, enter that password as well (see Configuring Striim's metadata repository). If you are using a Bash or Bourne shell, characters other than letters, numbers, and the following punctuation marks must be escaped: , . _ + : @ % / -

  2. Edit /opt/striim/conf/, edit the following property values (removing any # characters and spaces from the beginning of the lines), and save the file:

    • WAClusterName: a name for the Striim cluster (note that if an existing Striim cluster on the network has this name, Striim will try to join it)

    • CompanyName: If you specify keys, this must exactly match the associated company name. If you are using a trial license, any name will work.

    • ProductKey and LIcenseKey: If you have keys, specify them, otherwise leave blank to run Striim on a trial license. Note that you cannot create a multi-server cluster using a trial license.

    • Interfaces: If the system has more than one IP address, specify the one you want Striim to use, otherwise leave blank and Striim will set this automatically.

    • If not hosting the metadata repository on the internal Derby instance with its default settings, see Setting for the metadata repository.

  3. If hosting the metadata repository on Derby in a production environment (not recommended), change its password (see Changing the Derby password).

  4. Optionally, perform additional tasks described in Configuring Striim, such as increasing the maximum amount of memory the server can use from the default of 4GB (see Changing the amount of memory available to a Striim server).

  5. Save the file.

Once you have specified the necessary server properties, start the server with striim\bin\server.bat (for Windows) or striim/bin/ (for OS X or Linux).

When the server has started, you will see a message indicating the URL where you can access its web UI.

When running as a process, SysOut output will be written to the terminal running the server process rather than to striim-node.log.

To start the console, enter striim\bin\console.bat -c <cluster name> (for Windows) or striim/bin/ -c <cluster name> (for OS X or Linux).

To stop the server, press Ctrl-C in the terminal window.

To restart, run server.bat or Optionally you may specify a startup properties file as an argument, which can save time if you need to run Striim with various settings for testing or development purposes.


If installing a new release of Striim, delete the striim directory and empty the trash before extracting the new .tgz or .zip archive, and clear your browser cache before logging in to the web UI.