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Configure Teams to receive alerts from Striim

Before Microsoft Teams can receive alerts from Striim, you must create and install a Teams app.

  1. Log in to the Azure Portal.

  2. From Azure Active Directory > App Registrations, select + New Registration.

  3. Type the required information to set up the new app and click Register. Note the Client and Tenant IDs for future use.

  4. From Certificates and Secrets, select + New Client Secret.

  5. Type a description and duration and click Add.

  6. In Delegated Permissions, add the offline_access, ChannelMessage.send, and ChannelMessage.Read.All scopes.

  7. Open the Authorization URL and obtain the authorization code.

  8. Use the authorization code to obtain the Refresh token.

  9. Navigate to the channel where Striim will post alerts and select Get link to channel.

Note the channel URL for use in Striim configuration.