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Enabling HTTPS

To support HTTPS for the web UI, Striim needs an SSL certificate.

  1. If you already have a .pkcs12 file, skip to the next step.

    If you have .key and .crt files, use the following command to generate a .pkcs12 file (replace myfile with your certificate name):

    openssl pkcs12 -inkey myfile.key -in myfile.crt -export -out myfile.pkcs12
  2. Use the following command to generate a keystore containing the certificate from the .pkcs12 file (replace myfile with your certificate name)::

    keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore myfile.pkcs12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore myfile.jks

Alternatively, see Generate Keys to create a new self-signed certificate. In some browsers, these may trigger warnings about untrusted certificates.

Once the certificate is in Striim's environment, configure the following options in




path to the keystore created by keytool, for example, /opt/Striim/myfile.jks


the keystore password (storepass value) specified when running keytool


the key password (keypass value) specified when running keytool or, if it was not specified, the storepass value