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Monitoring end-to-end lag (LEE)

End-to-end lag ("LEE") is the time it takes from the origin of an event in an external source to its final delivery by Striim to an external target. This data is sampled every five seconds and retained for 24 hours. If within a five-second sample period no event is delivered to the target, no LEE is recorded for that period.

A low and stable LEE is desirable. A high but stable LEE indicates either that Striim is reading stale data from the source or a window or some other component in the Striim application is holding data for a significant time. A continuously increasing LEE indicates that events are being received from the source faster than the target can handle them, which might indicate that you should consider Creating multiple writer instances or reducing network bottlenecks between Striim and the external target.Creating multiple writer instances

Note: For accurate LEE calculation with SQL Server sources, the Fetch Transaction Metadata property must be set to True (see MS SQL Reader properties).MS SQL Reader properties

Viewing LEE

  • In the Web UI: Go to the Flow Designer page for the application and click View End to End Lag (at the top right corner) to display a line chart of LEE in milliseconds over time. If the target has multiple sources, you will see a chart for each.

  • In the console: REPORT LEE+; will return the LEE for each source-target combination in the cluster, the time each was measured, the start time type (see discussion of "Start time types" below), and the statistics for the most recent sample (see discussion below).

    │                                                 Lag End-to-End (LEE) Report                                                 │
    │ Source                 │ Target                 │ Latest LEE (seconds)   │ Measured At            │ Source Time             │
    │ SamplesDB.ReadPostgres │ SamplesDB.WriteToPostg │ 0.067                  │ 2021-07-29 15:03:52.14 │ Idle                    │
    │ TablesDB (DatabaseRead │ resTable (DatabaseWrit │                        │ 3 PDT                  │                         │
    │ er)                    │ er)                    │                        │                        │                         │
    │                                           Lag End-to-End (LEE) Recent Statistics                                            │
    │ Source                │ Target                │ Minimum LEE (s │ Maximum LEE (s │ Average LEE (s │ Sample Size              │
    │ SamplesDB.ReadPostgre │ SamplesDB.WriteToPost │ 0.067          │ 0.067          │ 0.067          │ 1                        │
    │ sTablesDB (DatabaseRe │ gresTable (DatabaseWr │                │                │                │                          │
    │ ader)                 │ iter)                 │                │                │                │                          │

    The following commands return various subsets of that information (you may omit the namespace if the specified objects are in the current namespace). Use LEE+ to include statistics for the most recent five-second sample.

    • REPORT LEE[+] <namespace.source name> < name>; - LEE for the specified source-target combination

    • REPORT LEE STATS <namespace.source name> < name> [-START '<start time>'] [-END '<end time>'] [-ROLLUPINTERVAL '<interval>']; - summary of LEE for the specified source and target over the specified time period

      Specify the ROLLUPINTERVAL as minutes or hours (for example, 15m or 1h. To specify a start or end time from the previous day, specify the time in the format yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm or yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss.

      For example, REPORT LEE STATS OracleSource KafkaTarget -START '10:00' -END '12:00' -ROLLUPINTERVAL '1h'; would return statistics for two one-hour intervals, 10-11 am and 11am-noon, for the current day.

    • REPORT LEE[+] <namespace.source name> *; - LEEs for all targets of the specified source

    • REPORT LEE[+] * < name>; - LEEs for all sources of the specified target

    • REPORT LEE[+] APPLICATION <namespace.application name>; - LEEs for all targets in the specified application (sources may be in other applications)

  • Using the system health REST API (Monitoring using the system health REST API): Each target element of the health map includes the latest LEE for each source in the following format:

    "lagEnd2End": {
       "data": [
             "source": "ns1.source1",
             "target": "ns1.target1",
             "lee": 0.014,
             "at": 1589415119444,
             "type": "Observed"
  • Using JMX (see Monitoring using JMX): The MBeans will include the information from the system health object.

How LEE is calculated

Striim calculates end-to-end lag by subtracting an event's the start time from its end time. This figure includes:

  • the time it takes Striim to acquire the event data from the external source

  • within Striim, any time the event spends in buffers and queue;, being enriched, joined, aggregated, filtered, or otherwise processed; and any time required for communication between nodes in a cluster

  • the time it takes Striim to deliver the event to the target

LEE is calculated separately for each source-target combination.

If the clocks of the source server, Striim server, and target server are not synchronized, the lag will not be calculated correctly.

When there are multiple paths between a source and a target, events between the source and target are distributed among multiple Striim servers in a multi-node cluster, the most recent LEE will be displayed. In this situation, the LEE graph in the web UI may be jagged or noisy.

Start time types: Striim uses one of the following as the start time (these types appear in the MON and system health object reports):

  • Attribute: a timestamp from an attribute of the event (for instance, a JSON timestamp field)

  • Commit: a database commit timestamp

  • Idle: the time Striim inserted a mock event into the pipeline. Striim uses these to track LEE when no events are being received from the external source because it is inactive. Idle events are used only to measure LEE and are discarded as they arrive at the writer.

  • Ingestion: a Kafka broker ingestion timestamp

  • Observed: the time the event was received by the reader (used when no timestamp is available from the external source)

  • Operation: the timestamp of an individual operation in a database transaction

End time: Striim uses the time it receives an acknowledgement from the external target as the end time.

Configuring LEE

Two properties may be configured in / agent.conf:

LeeRate / striim.node.LeeRate: By default, LEE is computed for every source event. Set this to integer n to compute LEE every n events. For example, LeeRate=10 will calculate LEE every ten source events. Set to 0 to disable LEE.

The following writers sample LEE data every 100 events. To receive LEE results for these writers, leave LeeRate set to its default: with any other value, they may report no results.

  • ADLS Gen2 Writer

  • Azure Blob Writer

  • Azure Synapse Writer

  • BigQuery Writer

  • Database Writer

  • Databricks Writer

  • GCS Writer

  • HDFS Writer

  • Hive Writer

  • S3 Writer

  • Snowflake Writer

  • Spanner Writer

LeeTimeout / striim.node.LeeTimeout: The length of time an external source can be inactive before Striim inserts Idle events (see discussion of "Start time types" above.) The default is 10 seconds. Set to 0 to disable insertion of idle events.

These properties are set independently for each server and agent.