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Running the CDC demo apps

The CDC demo applications demonstrate Striim's data migration capabilities using a PostgreSQL instance in a Docker container.

If you installed Striim Platform as discussed in Evaluating on Mac OS X, Linux, or Windows with Docker Desktop running, the CDC demo apps are ready to use, no installation is necessary. Otherwise, see Installing the CDC demo apps.

About the CDC demo apps

A grid of tiles representing the Change Data Capture demo applications.

There are three groups of applications:

  • SamplesDB demonstrates a SQL CDC source to database target pipeline, replicating data from one set of PostgreSQL tables to another set. The two applications that are similar to their real-world equivalents are:

    • PostgresToPostgresInitialLoad150KRows uses Database Reader and Database Writer to replicate 150,000 existing records from the customer, nation, and region tables to the customertarget, nationtarget, and regiontarget tables. In a real-world application, the source and target would typically be different databases. For example, the source might be Oracle and the target might be Amazon Redshift; Azure SQL Data Warehouse, PostgreSQL, or SQL DB; Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL, or Spanner; or Snowflake.DatabaseReaderDatabaseWriter

    • PostgresToPostgresCDC uses PostgreSQLReader (see PostgreSQL) and Database Writer to continuously update the target tables with changes to the source.DatabaseWriter

  • SamplesDB2Kafka demonstrates a typical SQL CDC source to database target pipeline, replicating data from a set of PostgreSQL tables to a Kafka topic. The two applications that are similar to their real-world equivalents are:

    • PostgresToKafkaInitialLoad150KRows uses Database Reader and Kafka Writer to replicate 150,000 existing records from the PostgreSQL customer, nation, and region tables to messages in a Kafka topic called kafkaPostgresTopic. In a real-world application, the target would be an external Kafka instance, either on-premise or in the cloud.DatabaseReader

    • PostgresToKafkaCDC uses PostgreSQLReader (see PostgreSQL) and Kafka Writer to continuously update the Kafka topic with changes to the PostgreSQL source tables. Note that updates and deletes in PostgreSQL create new messages in Kafka rather than updating or deleting previous messages relating to those rows.

  • SamplesDB2File demonstrates a typical SQL CDC source to file target pipeline, replicating data from a set of PostgreSQL tables to files. The two applications that are similar to their real-world equivalents are:

    • PostgresToFileInitialLoad150KRows uses Database Reader and File Writer to replicate 150,000 existing records from the PostgreSQL customer, nation, and region tables to files in striim/SampleOutput.. In a real-world application, the target directory would typically be on another host, perhaps in AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage or HD Insight Hadoop, or Google Cloud Storage.DatabaseReader

    • PostgresToFileCDC uses PostgreSQLReader (see PostgreSQL) and File Writer to continuously update the files with changes to the PostgreSQL source tables. Note that updates and deletes in PostgreSQL add new entries to the target files rather than updating or deleting previous entries relating to those rows.

Striim provides wizards to help you create similar applications for many source-target combinations (see Creating apps using templates).Creating apps using templates

The other applications use open processors (see Creating an open processor component) and other custom components to manage the PostgreSQL instance and generate inserts, updates, and deletes. In a real-world application, the source database would be updated by users and other applications.

  • ValidatePostgres, ValidateKafka, and ValidateFile verify that the sources and targets used by the other apps are available.

  • Execute250Inserts adds 250 rows to the source tables and stops automatically.

  • Execute250Updates changes 250 rows in the source tables and stops automatically.

  • Execute250Deletes removes 250 rows from the source tables and stops automatically.

  • ResetPostgresSample, ResetKafkaSample, and ResetFileSample clear all the data created by the other apps, leaving the apps, PostgreSQL tables, Kafka, and SampleOutput directory in their original states.

Running the applications

When Striim, the PostgreSQL instance in Docker, and Kafka are running, you can use the PostgreSQL demo applications. The process is the same for all three sets of applications.

  1. Deploy and start the ValidatePostgres, ValidateKafka, and ValidateFile applications and leave them running.

  2. In the SamplesDB group, deploy and start the SamplesDB.PostgresToPostgresInitialLoad150KRows application.

    A Postgres alert for an insert.
  3. When you see the alert above, that means initial load has completed. Stop and undeploy the InitialLoad application.

  4. Deploy and start the SamplesDB.PostgresToPostgresCDC application.

  5. Once the CDC application is running, deploy and start the SamplesDB.Execute250Inserts application. It will add 250 rows to the customer table, give you an alert, and stop automatically. The CDC app will replicate the rows to the target.

    An alert that 250 inserts in the source table PUBLIC.CUSTOMER are complete.
  6. Deploy and start SamplesDB.Execute250Updates. It will update a random range of 250 rows in the customer table, give you an alert, and stop automatically. The PostgreSQL CDC app will replicate the changes to the corresponding rows in the customertarget table. PostgresToKafkaCDC will add messages describing the updates to the target topic. PostgresToFileCDC will add entries describing the updates to the files in SampleOutput.

  7. Deploy and start SamplesDB.Execute250Deletes. It will delete the first 250 rows in the customer table, give you an alert, and stop automatically. The PostgreSQL CDC app will delete the corresponding rows in the customertarget table. PostgresToKafkaCDC will add messages describing the deletes to the target topic. PostgresToFileCDC will add entries describing the deletes to the files in SampleOutput.

Verifying PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL replication

To view the results of the load, insert, update, and delete commands in the PostgreSQL target, use any PostgreSQL client to log in to localhost:5432 with username striim and password striim.

Alternatively, you can access virtual machine's command line and run psql:

  1. In a Docker Quickstart, OS X, or Linux terminal, enter:

    docker exec -it striimpostgres /bin/bash
  2. When you see the bash prompt, enter:

    psql -U striim -d webaction

Before running PostgresToPostgresInitialLoad150KRows, the customer table has 150,000 rows and customertarget has none:

webaction=# select count(*) from customer;
(1 row)

webaction=# select count(*) from customertarget;
(1 row)

After running PostgresToPostgresInitialLoad150KRows, customertarget has 150,000 rows:

webaction=# select count(*) from customertarget;
(1 row)

After stopping PostgresToPostgresInitialLoad150KRows, starting PostgresToPostgresCDC, and running Execute250Inserts:

webaction=# select count(*) from customertarget;
(1 row)

After running Execute250Updates:

webaction=# select * from customer where c_custkey=113981;
 c_custkey |       c_name       |             c_address              | c_nationkey ...    
-----------+--------------------+------------------------------------+------------ ...
    113981 | Customer#000113981 | kpxLWwaZh3DpOr Qudn1OKolRYyIlFshOG |           4 ...
(1 row)

webaction=# select * from customertarget where c_custkey=113981;
 c_custkey |       c_name       |             c_address              | c_nationkey ...    
-----------+--------------------+------------------------------------+------------ ...
    113981 | Customer#000113981 | kpxLWwaZh3DpOr Qudn1OKolRYyIlFshOG |           4 ...
(1 row)

After running Execute250Deletes:

webaction=# select * from customer where c_custkey=1;
 c_custkey | c_name | c_address | c_nationkey | c_phone | c_acctbal | c_mktsegment | c_comment 
(0 rows)

webaction=# select * from customertarget where c_custkey=1;
 c_custkey | c_name | c_address | c_nationkey | c_phone | c_acctbal | c_mktsegment | c_comment 
(0 rows)

Viewing Kafka target data

To see the output of PostgresToKafkaCDC, use Kafka Tool or a similar viewer. The Kafka cluster name is the same as your Striim cluster name. The Kafka version is 0.11.

Viewing file target data

The output of PostgresToFileCDC is in striim/SampleOutput.

Running the applications again at a later time

  1. In a terminal or command prompt, enter:

    docker start striimpostgres
  2. If Striim's internal Kafka instance is not running, start it (see Configuring Kafka for persisted streams).


    On Windows, Zookeeper and Kafka do not shut down cleanly. (This is a well-known problem.) Before you restart Kafka, you must delete the files they leave in c:\tmp.

  3. Deploy and start the ValidatePostgres, ValidateKafka, and ValidateFile applications and leave them running.

  4. Deploy and start the ResetPostgresSample, ResetKafkaSample, and ResetFileSample apps, then when they have completed undeploy them.

Installing the CDC demo apps

If you are using Striim Cloud, or Striim Platform installed as discussed in Evaluating on Mac OS X, Linux, or Windows with Docker Desktop running, the CDC demo apps are ready to use, no installation is necessary.

Installing Striim with the CDC demo apps


To run these demo applications, we recommend using a computer with 12 GB or more memory. If you run them on a computer with 8 GB, watch memory usage closely and close other applications as necessary to avoid running out of memory. Do not attempt to run them on a computer with less than 8 GB.

To install the CDC demo apps in a DEB, RPM, TGZ, or ZIP Striim installation, see Installing the CDC demo apps in an existing Striim server.

  1. If you have already installed Docker Desktop or Docker CE, skip this step.

    In Windows 10 or OS X, install Docker Desktop.

    In Linux, install Docker CE.

  2. If you are on OS X or Linux, skip this step, as it will be done for you by the Striim installer.

    In Windows 10, open a command prompt and enter:

    docker run --name striimpostgres -d -p 5432:5432 striim/striim-postgres-cdc:latest

    This will download and start a Docker container with a PostgreSQL instance configured to serve as a source and target for the demo applications.

  3. With Docker Desktop running, install Striim as described in Alternative installation method or Evaluating on Mac OS X, Linux, or Windows.

    • On the Select Installation Packages page (step 3), leave the PostgreSQL pack selected.

    • On the Kafka configuration page, choose "start Kafka locally."

When Striim has launched, log in and go to the Apps page. You should see these three groups of seven apps each:

A grid of tiles representing the Change Data Capture demo applications.

The Postgres and Kafka icons should be green, indicating that the apps are ready to run. If instead they are red, see Troubleshooting the CDC demo apps.

Installing the CDC demo apps in an existing Striim server

Use the following method to install the CDC demo apps when the Striim server was installed from a DEB, RPM, TGZ, or ZIP package. This may also be used to reiinitialize the PostgreSQL instance, Kafka topic, and SampleOutput directory if the demo apps become unusable.

  1. If you have already installed Docker Desktop, skip this step.

    In Windows 10 or OS X, install Docker Desktop.

    In Linux, install Docker CE.

  2. On Windows only, if Striim's internal Kafka instance is not running, start it (see Configuring Kafka for persisted streams).

  3. Open a terminal or command prompt, change to the striim/Samples/Scripts directory, and enter ./ <Striim cluster name> <Striim admin password> <Striim server IP address> (or on Windows InitializePostgresSamples.bat ...). Ignore any "topic does not exist" errors: after encountering them, the script will continue after a short time.

Troubleshooting the CDC demo apps

If the apps don't work, or stop working, try running the initialization script or batch file as described in Installing the CDC demo apps in an existing Striim server. If that does not resolve the problem, Contact Striim support.