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Using source and target adapters in applications

An adapter is a process that connects the Striim platform to a specific type of external application or file. Which adapter is selected determines which properties must be specified for a source or target.

For a list of readers, see Readers overview.

For a list of writers, see Writers overview.

Adapter property data types

Adapter properties use the same Supported data types as TQL, plus Encrypted passwords.

Some property data types are enumerated: that is, only documented values are allowed. If setting properties in TQL, be careful not to use other values for these properties.

Connecting with sources and targets over the internet

There are several ways to connect with sources and targets over the internet.

... using cloud provider keys

Some cloud sources and targets, such as Cosmos DB, secure their connections using keys. No additional configuration is required on your part, you simply provide the appropriate key in the source or target properties.

... by adding an inbound port rule to your firewall or cloud security group

In the firewall or cloud security group for your source or target, create an inbound port rule for Striim's IP address and the port for your database (typically 3306 for MariaDB or MySQL, 1521 for Oracle, 5432 for PostgreSQL, or 1433 for SQL Server).

... using port forwarding

In your router configuration, create a port forwarding rule for your database's port. If supported by your router, set the source IP to your database's IP address and the target IP to Striim's IP address (which you can get as described above).

Encrypted passwords

Striim encrypts adapter properties of the type when the adapter is created or altered and decrypts them when providing the values for authentication by a source or target host or service. The cleartext value is not shown in the UI or exported TQL. See also CREATE PROPERTYVARIABLE.

If you are using Oracle JDK 8 or OpenJDK 8 version 1.8.0_161 or later, encryption will be AES-256. With earlier versions, encryption will be AES-128.

To specify a cleartext property in TQL, include Password_encrypted: false in the adapter properties. This will cause the compiler to encrypt the value when the TQL is loaded.

To encrypt a password for use in TQL, use  striim/bin/ <plaintext password>. If you are using a Bash or Bourne shell, characters other than letters, numbers, and the following punctuation marks must be escaped: , . _ + : @ % / -

When exporting TQL, you may protect encrypted passwords by specifying a passphrase, which you will need to provide when importing the TQL. This will allow import to a different Striim cluster. Alternatively, you may export without a passphrase, in which case the encrypted passwords in the exported TQL can be decrypted only when imported to the same cluster.

Encrypting other property values

See Using vaults.

Using environment variables in source and target properties

Source and target property values may include environment variables:

  • Prepend the value with $ to indicate that it is a variable (for example, $ACCESSLOGPATH).

  • You may optionally add a default value, separated by a colon, to be used if the shell variable is not set (for example, $ACCESSLOGFILE:access_log).

Environment variables are set when Striim is started. Any change to environment variable values will have no effect until Striim is restarted.

Setting rowdelimiter values

Defines the newline string to be used to identify or separate lines when parsing or formatting a file.

  • \n (default) is ASCII 010 (line feed / LF), used by UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS X

  • \r is ASCII 013 (carriage return / CR), used by earlier versions of Mac OS and still used by Excel for Mac when exporting text files

  • \r\n is CR+LF, used by Windows

Using non-default case and special characters in table identifiers

Striim supports table and column names with non-default case and/or containing special characters in Tables property values for the following databases when read by their own CDC readers, Database Reader, or Incremental Batch Reader and when written to by Database Writer:

  • MariaDB

  • MySQL

  • Oracle Database

  • Oracle GoldenGate

  • PostgreSQL

  • SQL Server

Striim also supports special characters in

  • Azure Synapse Writer

  • Snowflake Writer

Supported special characters



ASCII code





exclamation mark



number sign


not supported in Azure Synapse table names





percent sign


not supported in Azure Synapse table names; also see note below





open parenthesis



close parenthesis





not supported in Azure Synapse table names














less than






greater than



question mark


not supported in Azure Synapse table names


at symbol



opening bracket


not supported for MSJet


closing bracket


not supported for MSJet







With most sources and targets, this is supported without escaping the name in double quotes.


opening brace



vertical bar



closing brace





Notes on using special characters

  • Identifiers containing special characters must be escaped using double quotes: for example, MySchema."My@Table"

  • The following characters must be further escaped as follows:


    example identifier in database

    example escaped in TQL

    example escaped in UI

    double quote*












    *not supported in Azure Synapse table names

  • In multi-part table names, each identifier containing special characters must be escaped separately: for example, "My@Schema"."My@Table".

  • In three-part table names, special characters are not supported the first part: for example, MyDB."My@Schema"."My@Table".

  • When table names are not escaped, Striim will use the database's default case. For example, If an Oracle table is named MyTable, to read it you must specify the Tables property as "MyTable". If you omit the double quotes, Striim will attempt to read MYTABLE and will fail with an error that the table is not found.

  • Special characters are supported in the ColumnMap function, for example, ColumnMap("ID"="Pid").

  • When replicating data, if the source and target Tables properties use the % wildcard in double quotes (for example, "My@Schema"."%", case and special characters are preserved, provided the WAEvent output of the source is not parsed (see Parsing the data field of WAEvent) before reaching the target. If the output of the source is parsed, special characters will be lost unless stored in a field as strings. For example:

    CREATE TYPE ParsedDataType(
      TableName String,
    CREATE STREAM OracleTypedStream OF ParsedDataType;
    CREATE CQ ParseOracleCDCStream
      INSERT INTO OracleParsedStream
      SELECT META(x, "TableName").toString(),
      FROM OracleCDCStream x;