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Web UI Guide

Web UI Overview


The left portion of the main menu at the upper left corner of the Striim web UI allows you to navigate to the UI's various pages. An administrator will see the seven choices shown above. Users with limited permissions may see fewer choices.


The right portion of the main menu lets you view the documentation in HTML or PDF format (see for the latest update), view alerts, see information about Striim or your user account, contact support, or log out.

When you have alerts, the Alert (bell) icon will display a number. Click the icon to see a list of the alert. The alerts above are from the PosApp sample application.

At the bottom of the web UI is the Message Log.

Home page


Striim's home page appears when you log in. This page gives you a summary of system status, alerts for any potential problems, and quick access to some of the resources you most recently accessed. What you see on this page will depend on your roles; click Customize Homepage to change it.

Alert Manager page

See Getting alerts about servers and applications.

App Wizard page

See Creating an application using a template.

Apps page


All currently created, deployed, and running applications for which you have read permission appear on the Apps page. The search box at the top allows you to find apps by name, status, and/or namespace.

Click Create New to create an app from scratch or by importing TQL. For more information on creating apps, see Fundamentals of TQL programming, Creating apps using templatesCreating and modifying apps using the Flow Designer, and Creating or modifying apps using Source Preview.


When importing a TQL file, the web browser process must have all necessary privileges on the file. For example, in a Linux environment, if the files are owned by root, and you are logged in as another user, you may be able to select the files for import but they will not actually be created.

The entry for each application shows its current state (see Application states), some performance data, and icons for its sources and targets. States are color-coded: gray for Created, blue for Deployed, Stopped, or Quiesced, green for Running, red for Terminated or Halt, and so on. The namespace is displayed below the name of the application.Application states

Use the ... menu to deploy, start, monitor, stop, undeploy, or drop an application, export it to a TQL file, move it to a group, or view it in the Flow Designer (see Modifying an application using the Flow Designer). The choices on the menu vary depending on the application's status: for example, Start appears only when the status is Stopped, and Drop appears only when the status is Created. Depending on your permissions, some menu choices may not appear.

If an application halts or terminates due to an error you can fix without undeploying it, such as by restarting an external source that has gone down, you may use the Resume command to continue after resolving the problem.

Optionally, personalize your Apps Page by grouping applications. To create a group, select Move to a group from the  ... menu, enter a name for the group, and click Save. Alternatively, select multiple apps to act on at once using their checkboxes. Once you have created a group, use the same command to add additional applications. Click the up and down arrows to reorder groups, the pencil to rename or add a description, to collapse a group, > to expand, and to delete a group (the apps will not be deleted).

To export an application to a TQL file, select ... > Export. Alternatively, select multiple apps using their checkboxes, then click Export (on the right, just below the search box.

Console page

See Using the console in the web UI.

Create App page

See Creating an app using the Flow Designer, Creating apps using templates, or Creating apps by importing TQL.Creating apps using templates

Dashboards page


All currently loaded dashboards appear on the Dashboards page. Click a dashboard tile to view it. (If the associated application is not running, you will see errors.)

To import or create a new dashboard, click Add Dashboard. Use the ... menu to rename, edit, or delete a dashboard (depending on your permissions, some menu choices may not appear). The Export command appears at the top right when you edit the dashboard.

For more information, see Viewing dashboards and Dashboard Guide.

Flow Designer page

See Creating and modifying apps using the Flow Designer.

Manage Striim - Files

This page lets you upload and download files to and from Striim.

To upload a file
  1. Select Manage Striim > Files > Upload FIle.

  2. Select the directory to which you want to upload the file.

  3. Drag and drop the file onto the dialog (or click Browse, navigate to the file, and double-click it), then click Done.

To download a previously uploaded file
  1. Select Manage Striim > Files.

  2. Fine the file and click its Download File link.

Manage Striim - Metadata Manager

The Metadata Manager lets you browse all existing components you have permission to view. You may filter the list by namespace, application, and type. You may also view the Metadata Manager while in the Flow Designer, which can be useful when you want to copy settings from a component in another application or flow.

Manage Striim - Property Sets

This page lets you create the property sets required for Sending alerts from applications using the web UI.

Manage Striim - Property Variables

This page lets you create property variables using the web UI. See CREATE PROPERTYVARIABLE for more information.

Manage Striim - Vaults

This page lets you manage vaults using the web UI. See Using vaults for more information.Using vaults

Message Log

The Message Log appears at the bottom of all web UI pages. Any errors in your applications or dashboards will appear here, along with notifications of various common events, including, among others:

  • system

    • all system apps are running (after server start)

  • adapters

    • events:

      • first event received (after application start)

      • millionth event received

      • 10-millionth event received

    • connections:

      • initial connection established

      • retrying connection

      • reconnection successful

      • connection failed, application halted

    • Database Reader: initial load completed

    • targets when schema evolution is enabled (see Handling schema evolution)

      • DDL operation propagated

      • DDL operation ignored

      • unsupported DDL operation, application quiesced or halted

  • CDC readers

    • all metadata has been fetched

    • when schema evolution is enabled (see Handling schema evolution)

      • DDL operation captured

      • DDL operation ignored

      • unsupported DDL operation, application quiesced or halted

    • Oracle Reader

      • out-of-order SCN encountered

      • total open transactions has exceeded 10,000

      • transaction buffer has started spillover to disk

Metadata Manager page

See Manage Striim - Metadata Manager.

Monitor page

See Monitoring using the web UI.

My Files

See Manage Striim - Files.

Source Preview page

The Source Preview page allows you to create sources and caches by browsing available data files of certain types. See Creating sources and caches using Source Preview.

Users page

Administrators (members of the Global.admin group) can access the Users page to perform the tasks described in Managing users, permissions, and roles.